Tag Archives: End of life coaches

Why Planning for Your End of Life is Important ?

If you suffering from a terminal illness or are in the last stretch of your life, it is advisable to start making plans for with regard to your future care. This advance planning is at times referred to as advance care planning or end of life planning, and normally includes thinking as well as talking about your desires on how you want to be cared for during the last months of your life. People that often have advance plans are those that are aware of their medical condition and its inevitable downhill trend implying that they will be unable to make decisions or communicate in the last stages of the illness.

End of life coaches can assist you in planning for your life. These coaches have undergone thorough caring for the dying trainings. However, anyone can set a plan on their future care, regardless of the fact that they are dying or not. With advance care planning your friends and family will be aware of your feelings and wishes while you are still able to communicate them. In addition, having a doula coach walk with you in your journey will ensure that you have care and comfort extended to you in your time of need. Be linked to a trained doula coach.